Determine Complementary Color

The complementary color of #808000 Olive is the color #000080 Navy

The HSL model was used to determine the complementary color

Input Color

NAME Olive
HEX #808000
RGB 128, 128, 0
CMYK 0%, 0%, 100%, 50%
HSL 60°, 100%, 25.1%

The color #808000 is an earthy shade of yellow-green, commonly referred to as olive or olive green. It is a muted and natural color that can evoke a sense of calmness and tranquility. This color is often associated with nature, as it is reminiscent of the color of many plants and trees. In design contexts, olive green can be used to create a sense of harmony and balance, especially when paired with other earthy or muted tones. It can also be used to convey a sense of reliability and practicality, making it a popular choice in branding and advertising. Overall, #808000 is a versatile and grounded color that can be used in a variety of contexts to create a sense of balance and stability.

Complementary Color

HEX #000080
RGB 0, 0, 128
CMYK 100%, 100%, 0%, 50%
HSL 240°, 100%, 25.1%

The color #000080 is a deep shade of blue, commonly referred to as navy blue. It is a classic and timeless color that is often associated with professionalism, sophistication, and authority. This color can evoke a sense of calmness and stability, and is often used in corporate or formal settings to convey a sense of trustworthiness and reliability. Navy blue can also be associated with the nautical world, as it is reminiscent of the deep blue ocean. In design contexts, this color can be used to create a sense of elegance and refinement, especially when combined with other neutrals such as black, white, or gray. Overall, #000080 is a versatile and sophisticated color that can be used in a variety of contexts.

Complementary color scheme