Determine Complementary Color

The complementary color of #800080 Purple is the color #008000 Green

The HSL model was used to determine the complementary color

Input Color

NAME Purple
HEX #800080
RGB 128, 0, 128
CMYK 0%, 100%, 0%, 50%
HSL 300°, 100%, 25.1%

The color #800080 is a rich and deep shade of purple, commonly referred to as purple or royal purple. It is a luxurious and elegant color that can evoke a sense of royalty and creativity. This color is often associated with luxury, ambition, and creativity, making it a popular choice in branding and advertising for products or services related to art, entertainment, or high-end luxury items. In design contexts, purple can be used to create a sense of creativity or emphasize a sense of elegance and sophistication, especially when paired with other rich or bold colors. It can also be used to convey a sense of mystery or spirituality, making it a popular choice in branding for organizations or businesses related to spirituality or meditation. Overall, #800080 is a bold and powerful color that can be used in a variety of contexts to create a sense of luxury and creativity.

Complementary Color

NAME Green
HEX #008000
RGB 0, 128, 0
CMYK 100%, 0%, 100%, 50%
HSL 120°, 100%, 25.1%

The color #008000 is a bold and bright shade of green, commonly referred to as forest green or emerald green. It is a natural and earthy color that can evoke a sense of growth and renewal. This color is often associated with nature, health, and harmony, making it a popular choice in branding and advertising for products or services related to the outdoors, health, or sustainability. In design contexts, forest green can be used to create a sense of balance or emphasize a sense of growth and renewal, especially when paired with other natural or muted tones. It can also be used to convey a sense of stability or reliability, making it a popular choice in branding for organizations or businesses related to finance or insurance. Overall, #008000 is a versatile and refreshing color that can be used in a variety of contexts to create a sense of balance and natural beauty.

Complementary color scheme